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CLI Reference | .kapitan config file


Kapitan allows you to coveniently override defaults by specifying a local .kapitan file in the root of your repository (relative to the kapitan configuration):

This comes handy to make sure Kapitan runs consistently for your specific setup.


Any Kapitan command can be overridden in the .kapitan dotfile, but here are some of the most common examples.


To enforce the Kapitan version used for compilation (for consistency and safety), you can add version to .kapitan:

version: 0.30.0


This constrain can be relaxed to allow minor versions to be also accepted:

version: 0.30 # Allows any 0.30.x release to run


Command line flags

You can also permanently define all command line flags in the .kapitan config file. For example:


  indent: 4
  parallelism: 8

would be equivalent to running:

kapitan compile --indent 4 --parallelism 8

For flags which are shared by multiple commands, you can either selectively define them for single commmands in a section with the same name as the command, or you can set any flags in section global, in which case they're applied for all commands. If you set a flag in both the global section and a command's section, the value from the command's section takes precedence over the value from the global section.

As an example, you can configure the inventory-path in the global section of the Kapitan dotfile to make sure it's persisted across all Kapitan runs.


  inventory-path: ./some_path

which would be equivalent to running any command with --inventory-path=./some_path.

Another flag that you may want to set in the global section is inventory-backend to select a non-default inventory backend implementation.

  inventory-backend: reclass

which would be equivalent to always running Kapitan with --inventory-backend=reclass.

Please note that the inventory-backend flag currently can't be set through the command-specific sections of the Kapitan config file.