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Ref Types Redesign

Redesign Kapitan Secrets and rename them as References or Ref.

Breaking changes:

  • $ kapitan secrets is replaced with $ kapitan refs
  • the default secrets directory ./secrets/ changes to ./refs/
  • the --secrets-path flag changes to --refs-path
  • ref ref type is renamed to base64 e.g.?{ref:some/ref} into ?{base64:some/ref}

Status: In progress

Author: @ramaro


Rename Secrets into Ref (or References) to improve consistency and meaning of the backend types by removing the ref backend and introducting new backends:

Type Description Encrypted? Compiles To
gpg GnuPG Yes hashed tag
gkms Google KMS Yes hashed tag
awskms Amazon KMS Yes hashed tag
base64 base64 No hashed tag
plain plain text No plain text

The type value will now need to be representative of the way a reference is stored via its backend.

A new plain backend type is introduced and will compile into revealed state instead of a hashed tag.

A new base64 backend type will store a base64 encoded value as the backend suggests (replacing the old badly named ref backend).

The command line for secrets will be instead:

kapitan refs --write gpg:my/secret1 ...
kapitan refs --write base64:my/file ...
kapitan refs --write plain:my/info ...

plain backend

The plain backend type will allow referring to external state by updating refs programmatically (e.g. in your pipeline)

For example, one can update the value of an environment variable and use ?{plain:my/user} as a reference in a template:

echo $USER | kapitan refs --write plain:my/user -f -

Or update a docker image value as ref ?{plain:images/dev/envoy}:

echo 'envoyproxy/envoy:v1.10.0' | kapitan refs --write plain:images/dev/envoy -f -

These references will be compiled into their values instead of hashed tags.

base64 backend

The base64 backend type will function as the original ref type. Except that this time, the name is representative of what is actually happening :)

Refs path

Refs will be stored by default in the ./refs path set by --refs-path replacing the --secrets-path flag.


Kapitan Secrets

Kapitan Secrets allow referring to restricted information (passwords, private keys, etc...) in templates while also securely storing them.

On compile, secret tags are updated into hashed tags which validate and instruct Kapitan how to reveal tags into decrypted or encoded information.

Kapitan Secrets example

The following command creates a GPG encrypted secret with the contents of file.txt for recipient to read:

kapitan secrets --write gpg:my/secret1 -f file.txt --recipients

This secret can be referred to in a jsonnet compoment:

    "type": "app",
    "name": "test_app",
    "username": "user_one",
    "password": "?{gpg:my/secret1}"

When this compoment is compiled, it looks like (note the hashed tag):

type: app
name: test_app
username: user_one
password: ?{gpg:my/secret1:deadbeef}

A user with the required permissions can reveal the compiled component:

$ kapitan secrets --reveal -f compiled/mytarget/manifests/component.yml

type: app
name: test_app
username: user_one
password: secret_content_of_file.txt

Secret Backend Comparison

Kapitan today offers multiple secret backends:

Type Description Encrypted? Compiles To
gpg GnuPG Yes hashed tag
gkms Google KMS Yes hashed tag
awskms Amazon KMS Yes hashed tag
ref base64 No hashed tag

However, not all backends are encrypted - this is not consistent!

The ref type is not encrypted as its purpose is to allow getting started with the Kapitan Secrets workflow without the need of setting up the encryption backends tooling (gpg, gcloud, boto, etc...)