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Input Type | Kadet

Kadet is an extensible input type for Kapitan that enables you to generate templates using Python.

The key benefit being the ability to utilize familiar programing principles while having access to Kapitan's powerful inventory system.

A library that defines resources as classes using the Base Object class is required. These can then be utilized within components to render output.

The following functions are provided by the class BaseObj().

Method definitions:

  • new(): Provides parameter checking capabilities
  • body(): Enables in-depth parameter configuration

Method functions:

  • root(): Defines values that will be compiled into the output
  • need(): Ability to check & define input parameters
  • update_root(): Updates the template file associated with the class

A class can be a resource such as a Kubernetes Deployment as shown here:

class Deployment(BaseObj): # (1)!
    def new(self): # (2)!
        self.need("name", "name string needed")
        self.need("labels", "labels dict needed")
        self.need("containers", "containers dict needed")

    def body(self): # (3)! = # (4)!
        self.root.metadata.namespace = inv.parameters.target_name
        self.root.spec.template.metadata.labels = self.kwargs.labels
        self.root.spec.template.spec.containers = self.kwargs.containers
  1. The deployment is an BaseObj() which has two main functions.
  2. new(self) is used to perform parameter validation & template compilation
  3. body(self) is utilized to set those parameters to be rendered.
  4. is a direct reference to a key in the corresponding yaml.

Kadet supports importing libraries as you would normally do with Python. These libraries can then be used by the components to generate the required output.

kubelib = kadet.load_from_search_paths("kubelib") #(1)!
name = "nginx"
labels = kadet.BaseObj.from_dict({"app": name})
nginx_container = kubelib.Container( #(2)!
    name=name, image=inv.parameters.nginx.image, ports=[{"containerPort": 80}]
def main():
    output = kadet.BaseObj() #(3)!
    output.root.nginx_deployment = kubelib.Deployment(name=name, labels=labels, containers=[nginx_container]) #(4)!
    output.root.nginx_service = kubelib.Service( #(5)!
        name=name, labels=labels, ports=[svc_port], selector=svc_selector
    return output #(6)!
  1. We import a library called kubelib using load_from_search_paths()
  2. We use kubelib to create a Container
  3. We create an output of type BaseObj and we will be updating the root element of this output.
  4. We use kubelib to create a Deployment kind. The Deployment makes use of the Container created.
  5. We use kubelib to create a Service kind.
  6. We return the object. Kapitan will render everything under output.root

Kadet uses a library called addict to organise the parameters inline with the yaml templates. As shown above we create a BaseObject() named output. We update the root of this output with the data structure returned from kubelib. This output is what is then returned to kapitan to be compiled into the desired output type.

For a deeper understanding please refer to

Supported output types:

  • yaml (default)
  • json